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NSW Labor Enabled


Learn more about NSW Labor Enabled

Find out more about our events

Learn more about our campaigns

Whether you identify as having a disability, as a carer, or just as a supporter of the disabled community, we'd love for you to be involved


NSW Labor Enabled is a Labor Party Affiliated Action Network. We work to ensure the rights of People with Disabilities in the Labor Party and in Society, through advocacy, activism and skill sharing.


NSW Labor supports the Social Model of Disability. We are run by, for people with disabilities.


NSW Labor Enabled recognises that it exists on stolen land, and that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have a significant rate of disability, compared to non-First Nations Australians. We commit to always prioritising the voices of Indigenous Australians, and to actively support them in everything we do.

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T: 0424 157 278

T: 0432 201 048

T: 0419 498 049


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