We are an Action Network Group in NSW Labor
We make sure that people with disabilities are respected and listened to
We make sure people with disabilities can get involved in the Labor Party
We are picking leaders soon. These positions are only for people with disabilities or carers
We know that we are on Aboriginal Land. We respect their elders, and will support them.
We have events for our members. You can hear about them here
EVENTS: coming soon
We ask our members to talk to their branches about issues.
We ask them to pass these motions at branches.
If you want to talk to someone about doing this, contact us.
We run campaigns to support people with disabilities.
Our current campaigns are coming soon
If you would like to get involved, sign up
If you want to be involved you can sign up.
You can email nswlaborenabled@gmail.com
You can follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nswlaborenabled
You can also click here and fill out the form: